Briteschool Termly Fees Calculator

Note:  If you wish to pay in Euros, please contact us to verify the latest exchange rate (1.15 at present).

Primary (Yr 5/6 ; P5/6 ; K6/7 ; age 9 or 10)      2 hours per week per full subject, 29 teaching weeks per year.

Numeracy            Literacy            Other KS2 Subjects (Hist / Geog / Sci / etc)       

Additional Subjects: French              Spanish


Lower Secondary (Yr 7-9 ; S1-2 ; K8-10 ; age 11-13)  2 hours per week per subject, 29 teaching weeks per year.

Six Subjects
    English                Maths           Geography / History (counted as one subject)

    Science                French          Spanish              

IGCSE (Y10/11 ; S4/5 ; K11/12; age 14-16)  1.5 or 2 hours per week per subject, 29 teaching weeks per year.

Six Subjects
    English                   Foundation Maths   OR  Higher Maths     

    Double Science (or 2 single science subjects)           A third Science or one single Science  
    Geography (History)  French or Spanish        Business Studies


A-levels (Y12/13 ; S5/6 ; usually age 16+)

    Pure Maths with Statistics

1-to-1 Subjects (any age, any stage up to IGCSE)

                                                        (depends on teacher availability - exact contact hours and prices negotiated with the teacher direct,

                                                         figures here based on 20 hours per term at GBP 25 / hour; costs could be shared in a small group)

    English or Maths or Geography or History or Single Science or French

    English Literature       German         Business Studies    Other Subjects (on request)


One-off non-refundable Enrolment Fee:  £48.00  (this is not a recurring fee)


Termly Fees

If your child joins part way through the term, use the Monthly fee calculator

To convert to Euros, multiply by 1.15 (subject to currency exchange rate changes).